Sunday, May 15, 2016

Rejected a girl while having sex

We were still dressed, and her big ass was rubbing against my dick.  I had her in doggy style and the fact that her back was arching and moaning was driving me crazy.  But apparently not crazy enough because my dick wasn't feeling it.  I flip her over and told her "I'm not in the mood."

How the fuck would 16 year old me ever think that I would reject a fine negra during sex?
Hah, gayyyy!

She is the new employee where I work at.  23ish Black, hispanic, with a culo that will make you rethink your pillow.  Not my type though, she is attractive however.  The fact that my 40yr old pimp coworker is mackin' on her is making me think my attraction for her.  Let it be the competition...the jeaolosy....the whatever...she's beginning to grow on me...and something else is growing as well: GRAN CHUKO (my cock's name, what you don't have one?)

We begin to conversate, our topics ranging from "have you finish the excel sheet" to the fact that I love hairy pussy...or as she calls it "Mufasa." She tells me she's Simba....Blah, but I can work with that.

Fast forward until last week. She never liked the job and after having an argument with 40yr-old-pimp-coworker, she had enough.  She resigns.  My pimpin' partner Ernesto Vasquez is waiting for me after work for a special event at Sky Room. I invite Negrita (her name for the rest of the story) to the event. She too has plans: free happy hour with her friend in a pub. She wasn't dress to impress (Sky Room can be a bit picky with clothing) so she told me to scoop out my event while she scoops out her event.  We depart and it turns out the special event in Sky Room is not even today but next we begin our journey to her pub happy hour thingy.

As soon as she greet me she offers me a drink and being the fact that I haven't drank in a few weeks I said fuck it and "Double whiskey on the rocks por favor."  Ernesto, being the tight wingman he is, let us sits together while he lingers nearby but not close enough to interrupt.  He orders some wings that smell so good. Was it Teriyaki sauce? They shine so bright, all that juicy grease lathered on top of each wing. I have been a crappy vegan for the last month so meat to me looks delicious...nothing to do with the story, but I just thought that I should mention.

The conversation between me and Negrita quickly escalated into sex talk but at the same time it was running its course due to my lack of verbal game.  Thank god Ernesto was now finished with his wings b/c he got involved in our talk.  He took over and turned the sex talk into pretty much fucking her there, metaphorically speaking.   He was asking favorite sex positions, how did it feel to fuck a short guy, and I was saying how i'm an ass guy but she's turning me into a boob person, etc....all the meanwhile I was physically escalation (Picture my legs in between hers for most of the conversation while we were both sitting on stools). We were running the verbal train....the D train!

I am feeling the moment, what better time than to use my probably-stolen-from-Google line? I tell Negrita "jealously always makes me want the girl more" pause "hug/make out with Ernesto"....can't remember the exact lines...although she is not making out/hugging Ernesto...the trick has worked...showing my willingness of not giving a fuck and losing her. +1 me, 0+ points life. Suck it life.

Her friend (lets call her...errr....Maria....I like the name Maria) finally appears. Turns out she's the sexual fiend herself, telling us how her boyfriend is always thinking she's fucking somebody else behind his back...which she tells us she is. But the jealously of the bf is driving her crazy which makes her  cheat even more....I'm sure we were all him before we join THE COMMUNITY.

But I digress. This is when my brain got infested with second thoughts.  I'm half and half attracted to Negrita. Some minutes I'm really turned on by Negrita's tits, but then some minutes I'm like "ehh, next set."  Beyond that, and more importantly, I am not well experience in sex.  Due to this lovely fact, my brain still believes that I need some sort of non-realistic Disney love for me to connect with the girl to slip it in, no vaseline.  And as I've been learning/watching, sex is as simple as two people doing push ups together...non of this lovey-dovey shit that's been engraved in my brain since 20+ years ago.  This is what pushed my second thoughts even further, thinking to myself "I'm half attracted, is this enough for sexy time?"

Well the whiskey finally kicks in and I throw all those thoughts out the window and tell myself that "it is now or nunca."  I probably said it out loud as well.   I take Negrita by her hand and pull her slowly towards me, making her cut between her friend and Ernesto.  She was engaged in a conversation with them, I believe, and me just interrupting it with the Hand of God felt amazing....maybe sober I would think it was rude. But I didn't give a fuck then...I wanted to make out.

And I did. And it was good. And it felt good. Call me a romantic, a disney movie fanatic, a whatever, I love making out. Her lips were so tender, tender like the hanger steak I used to serve in Aureole...nice place to eat....horrible to work at. Fuck you Chef, oui Chef!

She was stumbling a little too much for my taste. Was she drunk already? I only know one person who gets drunk off two cups of white wine (*cough Ernesto *cough). In between our make outs, I asked her "Are you drunk?" I asked her friend "Is she drunk? Don't want to keep going if so." Maria assure me she was not.  Something I only believe when Negrita drove us in her car to the pull location.  Side note: never get in a car with drunk drivers, I've been in a few scenarios like that...they're not pretty.  Technically me asking her friend and Negrita is she was drunk could have been a push/pull technique, but in reality I was being 114% sincere.

Negrita and Maria are really into weed and Ernesto, being the wingman he is, pretty much made all the arrangements for them to come over to his place to smoke.  All I had to do was stare in awe as Ernesto moved them flawlessly from bar to the outside, from which we started to walk towards Negrita's car.  The walk was about 10m long (like my dick), and I was sneaking a kiss here, a make out there. I started talking too much about lovey-dovey shit and holding her hand for a while....which I liked temporarily but regretted later.  The whole romantic type pua is just not working, at least for me.  Need to be more cold-blooded. What's your take? Lately I've been learning like zero women like the holding hands and all that shit, at least night game.

We eventually got to the parking lot in Ktown (one of my fav places in Manhattan). We are now waiting for her car to be pulled up. Meanwhile me and Negrita started to practice Bachata, a very sexy dance from Mexico I believe (Ernesto just told me it's from the DR, Mexico couldn't put that off.) Being the only Latino that does not know how to dance (besides breakdancing) and proud of it, I let her friend take over.  Their dancing turns me on. A lot.  Imaging two dark chocolate bars melting into one slowly and provocative, and you're starving.

The car is finally here. I am scare of her driving b/c I have had several experiences with DUI drivers in SC and those experiences are NOT FUN. I tell myself at least we are driving in short streets and no highways so with a seat-belt I should be fine. You have to risk it to get the biscuit. Umm.  The car ride involved me rapping over "Everyday Struggle" by my boy Biggie, and them singing some latino/rap songs as well. Nothing eventful.  Me and Negrita did sing our song "Yo no se Manana" together though, so there's that (a song that now when I listen to it, I cry b/c it reminds me of what's going to happen next). That was kind of hot. Damn, there goes my romantic side again. Fuck it, I love it.

We proceed to
"go, on and on and on and
[I] Don't take them to the crib unless they boning" - Biggie.

We are now in Ernesto's crib...the headquarters of the East Harlem Closers. A place were every piece of furniture, decor, smell, and its environment is flawlessly placed to shorten the time the puss has to walk from the door to the bed...with condoms hidden in every corner of the house.  Think of a maniac/gun lover/Trump supporter in a zombie apocalypse with guns hidden everywhere in his house. Except the guns here are condoms and the zombies are targets. This is also where my game began to deteriorate....thanks to the mary-Juan-A.

I hate weed. Don't hate you if you smoke it, in fact I love the way it smells when not lit. I hate it b/c the high gets me paranoid, even if I don't smoke it...I just need to inhale a bit of second hand smoke and puffff...I go into trippy la-la-land.

Well, validation-seeking me thinks otherwise about weed and I try to impress Negrita. I think of the best way I could: give a waterfall shotgun with the blunt (google image can give you an idea of how it looks).

I did tried weed back in high school for a while. My friends where constantly doing it and even though I hated it, you are who your friends are...peer pressure is a slut who's free and is always trying to close you at your weakest moments.

This is when the high kicked in. My weed-high is a laughing state with paranoia. Any hornyness I had till then has now dissipated into an anxiety driven madman with a maniacal laughter.

This is the layout at the moment: Ernesto is on a 2-seats-couch with Negrita; Maria is on her on 1-seat-couch...and with no other place to sit I am on laying on a mini trampoline (why the fuck is there a trampoline I have no idea, but just go with it).  Negrita definitely looks horny and the group's conversation somehow escalated into why did I stopped making moves on Negrita.  I was so high I could barely make coherent sentences, and they were all three staring at me asking themselves "Is this fuckboi going to make a move or not?"

No he is not. He is high and having a fantastic time in la la land in his on mind.
"Bitch. don't kill my vibe.
I am a sinner who's probably gonna sin again
Lord forgive me, Lord forgive me
Things I don't understand
Sometimes I need to be alone
Bitch don't kill my vibe, bitch don't kill my vibe
I can feel your energy from two planets away
I got my drink, I got my music
I would share it but today I'm yelling
Bitch don't kill my vibe, bitch don't kill my vibe
Bitch don't kill my vibe, bitch don't kill my vibe" - Kendrick Lamar

Ernesto always tries to push my comfort zone to the next level and he has a plan: he remembers how I said jealousy helps me become more attracted to the girl.  I noticed his evil laugh in the corner of my eye (too high to make eye contact) and then he says to Negrita, "Let's make him jealous." I love it.

He is pulling her closer to him, whispering in her ears.  I am trying to maintain cool as possible and unaffected, but inside my head the jealousy is working. I want her. Actually, I don't know if I looked cool from the outside but I think I did. But I am now seeing her for her femininity and fertility.

I don't remember how it happen but in the next 10 seconds I went from laying down on the trampoline to me walking with Negrita to Ernesto's room.

In my few successful pulls:
"I have never encounter Last Minute Resistance
Maybe because of the fact that I don't believe in its existence
and in bed I am extremely persistence" - Mac Rey

But seriously speaking, I never encounter it because I always pull when I know the girl wants it. And it may be the latino in me but in bed I never have any sort of problems expressing myself sexually. I love exploring and tasting her body and moving/lifting her around up, down, left, right.  What I lack in verbal game I make up for it en la cama con mi cuerpo.  Random fact: I love when beaches rub my bare chest with their hands.

My back is facing the edge of the bed, her face is looking at mine, I'm holding her hands.  I throw myself backwards towards the bed while reeling her in like a fish, and I love fish.  My body is tense and relaxed at the same time and she has her legs wrapped around my cock (she hates that word, prefers dick). I love it. We start making out.  GRAN CHUKO is beginning to wake up, he says "*yawn* Hey, what's happeni....oh shit"

I take my right hand, wrap it around her back, and flip her over.  She is now looking at me like a tame animal and I like this feeling of being on top. More make outs and now I proceed to taste her neck. She taste amazing.

Did I mentioned that I told her at the bar that when I'm drunk I usually tend to eat asses out?  Yep, maybe gross but Imma do me while you do you, partner. But why is this interesting fact important to the story? Well after tasting her body I place her in doggy style position and admire her ass...Damn.  I pull her yoga pants down, my weakness, slowly.  Then. I see her ass. And feel......nothing.

W...wwhh...ah...what?!  I knew then something was wrong.

Drunk Ray never fails to caress them asses and now it seemed as if GRAN CHUKO went back into hibernation.  This is again why I hate weed.  It just really fucks with my psyche even if I second hand smoke it.

With my dick sleeping, my pussyvation disappears as well.  I did attempt to lick her titties but I still couldn't get turn on. But then, "her big ass was rubbing against my dick.  I had her in doggy style and the fact that her back was arching and she was moaning was driving me crazy.  But apparently not crazy enough because I wasn't feeling it.  I flip her over and told her 'I'm not in the mood.'" How the fuck would 16 year old me ever think that I would reject a fine negra during sex? Hah, gayyyy! Thank you weed.

If Beethoven needs a reason to write Moonlight Sonata v2.0, he has it now.

We are now walking back to the living room. Negrita and her friend are packing up to leave. It's 9pm. I tell her...correction...I "whisper" while hugging her that I want to see her again.  They leave.

What was I to do now?  Well, it's 9pm.  That's pimping time on my watch.  Me and Ernesto go to MPD to pursue the pursuit of happiness/PUA.


-Become more sexually verbally but at the same time don't put a tone of making it a big deal. Yes I do this now but not as much as I do and sometimes I slip
-Bring notepad when Ernesto is pulling and take notes down. His pull game is strong.
-Don't use liquor as a crutch or for "fun" (my problem). Watch out for fucking second hand weed smoke, still fucks me up
-At the house, ignore what the fuck is happening and just pull her to the bed (she has to be feeling it though)

Another day in the life of #EastHarlemClosers and #ManhattanMacks
Sry for the long post, here's a Pimp Potato

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